Kursbeskrivningar – BSc (Hons) International IT Management (Top-up)

Kursbeskrivningar – BSc (Hons) International IT Management (Top-up)

This Top-up degree aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to understand and use IT in a business context from a managerial perspective. It covers various topics, such as aligning business strategy with IT investments, digital transformation, IT architecture, governance, business process management, and international supply and outsourcing relationships.

Key subjects in the Top-up degree in International IT Management include IT management, information technology systems, hardware and infrastructure, and software engineering and management. Additionally, the modules cover topics like operations strategy, management, and sustainability.

Business and Sustainability

The module aims to enable students to: 

  • Develop a critical understanding of current industry practice within corporate social responsibility influence and impact upon the planet, people and profit
  • Develop critical skills required to offer informed contributions to strategic decision making 
  • Improve the delivery of sustainability targets in a cost-effective way alongside everyday business activities

Business Data Analysis

The aims of the module are to ensure that students:  

  • Acquire a thorough understanding of the approaches, tools and techniques of academic research within a business discipline
  • Demonstrate a good understanding of the research process and research methodology, and the ability to use relevant information sources effectively 
  • Develop analytical and presentational skills such that they can write up their research study

Information Technology Systems

The module aims to: 

  • Provide students with solid grounding in business use of information technology systems in a rapidly changing environment
  • Provide discussion of critical issues surrounding the use of IT in organisations  
  • Prepare students to respond to emerging technologies and information technology trends

Infrastructure and Hardware

The module aims to: 

  • Give students the knowledge and skills that they need for communicating effectively with professionals whose special focus is on hardware and systems software technology and for designing organisational processes and software solutions that require in-depth understanding of the IT infrastructure capabilities and limitations  
  • Prepare students for organisational roles that require interaction with external vendors of IT infrastructure components and solutions

Operations Strategy and Management

The module aims to: 

  • Present students with a comprehensive overview of the major elements of operations strategy and management, covering how organisations achieve competitiveness and operational excellence
  • Explore operations within organisations and across supply chains in relation to digitalisation and new technologies, sustainability and ecosystems 
  • Give students understanding and knowledge on the strategic management of operations in different types of sectors such as service, retailing and manufacturing 
  • Enable students to analyse operations systems as well as participate in, improve and lead change efforts

Software Engineering and Management

This module aims to: 

  • Provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills required in a knowledge-intensive and changing IT industry 
  • Enable students to develop the capability to analyse a problem, the ability to estimate time and cost for a larger development project and the capacity to communicate and interact with customers and other partners in a big software development project 
  • Enable students to critically approach management problems from all areas of software engineering: ‘how do large organisations specify software?’, ‘how can they ensure sound architectures?’, ‘what language tools and platforms are available to realize software?’, ‘how is quality obtained and managed?’, ‘what are the challenges of decade long software lifetimes?’, ‘how to turn ideas into successful software start-ups?’, and ‘how to act in an industrial development context?’


The module aims to: 

  • Encourage students to develop expertise in a specific business and enterprise area, and confidence in designing and managing a long-term complex research project 
  • Synthesise previous learning in the context of real-world management and explore and test at first hand the value of theory to modern managers